Tuesday 28 May 2013

Going blonde...the journey

ColourB4 Hair Colour Remover Tried and Tested

I used this colour remover on my hair three weeks ago or so, the result will vary on your hair colour and how long you've been dying your hair. My hair was red (bright/dark, all shades!) which is the most difficult colour to strip from the hair. I had been dying it for two years so it was time for a change! I was worried that I had dyed the cuticle of the hair in which case it would take a long time to remove. 

I used it and as predicted, it went a ginger colour! Most hair will go orange/copper or ginger if you've been dying your hair for some time. So I wanted rid of it, I dyed it an ash blonde (as recommended by a friend that's a colourist), but at the bottom of the instructions in TINY print it states, if you dye your hair with a peroxide based colourant a reversal may happen- so my hair went back to red!

So then I bought another box, which is supposed to only be enough for one application but I used it for two and my hair is quite thick. And then it went this colour...

(At Mahiki! BOOM!)

A dirty blonde! Or I'd say a dirty ginger, but I really didn't like the colour so I decided to bleach my hair which I really didn't want to do because I thought it would destroy it! 

I used this Bblonde kit (for all over blonde, not the highlighting kit) and bought the peroxide that is sold separately. Inside there are four sachets, you need two for long/thick hair! You need a little bottle of peroxide for each sachet so hence two bottles. The first time I used it, I didn't leave it on long at all because I was a little scared of the result! It only went a dark blonde though so I bleached it for a second time, leaving it on four around an hour-hour and a half (check the instructions). I wanted an ombre effect so I only put the bleach up until my ears sorta and try not to make a line! Try to feather our the dye.

And then holllaaa!!!

The blonde shade I desired! 

I really wanted to do this myself, see if I could! But I do not recommend it, it's a process I did over three weeks, blonde is a difficult colour to achieve so if you do try- good luck to you!

x S-J x