Monday 10 September 2012

The Paralympic Closing Ceremony!

Okay so 'Paradise' from Coldplay is still ringing in my head! It takes me forever to rid of those damn lyrics!

Me with my small pass and sexy orange shirt...

Our makeup room was right beside the field of the stadium! Thank god because for the Olympics, the MUAs were situated 30mins walk away. We saw Rihanna and Coldplay rehearse ( I didn't even recognize her because she was in jeans and a hoodie with short hair...actually thought it was a boy) and then we started the makeup at 5.30pm so our team would be ready for 9pm!

The lassy I applied the yellow on! Maybe she should have danced to the Coldplay song instead...

The women each had a colour theme that matches with their costume- either red, green, blue or yellow and then there was men that needed body makeup, ballerinas that had a silver colour scheme and the (what looked like) the KKK. We applied the yellow and other colours on their lips and eyes and then a powder blush. It was very simple makeup. 

Nice green... (it wasn't out design)

Some of them carried white plastic boxes and danced round them.

#I think I finished 5 or 6 girls makeups and then I moved onto the body work. The men loved being pampered by so many girls! We applied two or even three different shimmer and irredescent powders, mixed in with a glitter too to try and make them shimmer. You needed to apply a lot to see it! It was such a rush, I emptied the powder onto the makeup table and then used a large Charles Fox puff pad I could put my hand into apply, and then evened it out with my hand. 


And they only looked a wee bit blue! 
(When the light hit them it would look amazing).

These guys did some sort of Brazillian Tai Kwon Do. They had such a cool routine!

Oh and we also saw some floats coming into the stadium...

We went down to that level to go through to our room.

Once we were finished we ran to see Rihanna perform! She came out on one of the boat floats covered head to toe in orange, couldn't even see her face and then she took the scarf off her face and surprised everyone!

Yes, that blurry orange thing is Rihanna.

I don't think anyone knew she was going to be there. With Jay Z too!

Some of the lads, they were so crazy! One of them was bawling at the end of it!

Truly spectacular night of which I won't forget. It's nice to see everyone talking to one another on the tube, or even or their way home and getting photos! I feel privileged to have been one of the makeup artists who volunteered, since there are so many who would have loved the opportunity. I feel it was special to do the paralympics and celebrate those with disabilities who have overcome that, to accomplish great things. Congrats.

Leaving the stadium.